May You Be Happy
RMI is here to support your practice with regular sittings, classes and retreats.
Strengthen your meditation and grow your Dharma wisdom with RMI.
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Important Logistics Information
RMI has changed the Zoom Meeting ID for Sundays and Wednesdays. If you rely on saved links to connect, you will need to replace them with the updated information. See below or the newsletter for the new ID/link.
Upcoming Events
Introduction to Meditation – Mindfulness of the Breath
An offering by Dharma Teacher David Reinberger. Two Thursday evenings Sep 5 and 12, 2024 at 6:30pm MDT
Looking for a fresh start? Learn the traditional Buddhist concentration technique of anapanasati! Join us… ask questions… share in discussions. Designed for beginners, this class also offers a refresher for more experienced meditators.
The class consists of two in-person sessions. Cost for the class is $20, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. We seek to create a sangha of openness, support, and respect during the class and so ask that those who register set an intention to attend both sessions and actively participate in the class. To register or for more information, please contact David at [email protected]
Meditation Groups
Noble Friends – To attend RMI meetings and classes in person, we strongly recommend, for your safety and as an act of compassion for others, that you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. If you are ill with a sore throat, cough, chills, body aches, fatigue due to illness, loss of smell or taste, or a fever greater than 99 degrees, please do not enter the vihara. Our sessions will continue to be hybrid (in-person and on Zoom) so, if you prefer and especially if you are ill, please continue to attend via Zoom. While we have relaxed our vaccination requirement at this time, we will continue to monitor public health guidance and potentially change our own as appropriate.
Wednesday Sangha Sittings and Dhamma Instruction 6:00 – 7:00 PM MST
Currently meeting Hybrid, In person + Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/88361249390
Our main weekly event, Sangha Night, is open to all. We begin our evening with a short walking meditation to settle the body and mind followed by 20 – 30 minutes of sitting practice. Then, our usual program follows with a Dharma talk on one of the many aspects of the Buddhist path by one of our highly qualified and experienced Dharma Teachers or Meditation Instructors. We also celebrate special programs and events on Wednesday nights, for example: meditations on the 4 Divine Abidings every 1st Wednesday (see below), Refuge Vow ceremonies, recitation of the 5 Precepts on Wednesdays nearest the full-moon, and holiday celebrations such as Wesak. Please see our schedule for upcoming special events. We invite you to join us at Sangha Night for meditation, Dharma, and spiritual friendship. The RMI teachers chose the Five Spiritual Faculties as our theme to explore in the first half of 2024. These are:- Faith/Confidence (saddhā)
- Energy/Vigor (viriya)
- Mindfulness (sati)
- Concentration (samādhi)
- Wisdom (paññā)
Sunday Sittings at 9:00 AM MST
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/89564157117
We invite you to join us Sunday mornings to calm your mind and open your heart through Buddhist Vipassana meditation practice. Vipassana means “clear-seeing” or “insight” and was taught by the Buddha to help cut the root of suffering and lead practitioners towards full awakening. We begin Sunday mornings with a short walking meditation followed by a reading from one of our Dharma Teachers or Practice Leaders. We then sit for roughly 40 minutes in silent meditation.
Meditation Orientation – First and Third Wednesday of each month 5:15 PM MST
Currently meeting in person.
These orientations are for individuals newer to RMI. Material covered includes an introduction to RMI and the protocol used for our Meditation sittings. While this is not intended to be a class on how to meditate, basic instructions are included.
More information is available here.
Dharma Kids Program – Second Sunday of the month, 10:30 – 11:30 am.
Please note that for the month of May 2024, Dharma Kids will happen on the third Sunday so as to not conflict with the Mother’s Day holiday.
Dharma Kids introduces children to mindfulness in a fun way that is developmentally appropriate for ages 5-10. Each class has a theme based in Buddhist ethics and wisdom, such as loving kindness, gratitude, moderation, honesty, etc.
We use stories and crafts to explore the theme and lots of games, movement, and breathwork to build focus and encourage self-regulation. We emphasize the mind-body connection so kids understand WHY they often feel big feelings and how that affects their bodies and their behavior.
Rather than sitting for long periods of time, quiet moments are interspersed throughout the class, creating multiple opportunities to notice what is going on inside the body and the mind. Dharma Kids develop strategies to take good care of ALL of their emotions (even the unpleasant ones).
Email [email protected] with any questions or to receive reminder emails and detailed information about each Dharma Kids class.
If planning to attend, please RSVP to Sarah at [email protected] to make sure there are enough materials for all the kids!!!